I first became aware of Vintage Mozart’s work when we covered the collection of Anthony Fabrizio (NFT Cartel). Since then, I’ve watched him become an important contributor to the space and a champion for diversity. He is one of the loudest voices advocating for African artists creating NFTs while also being a prolific creator, churning out works at an impressive clip. I am so happy that he is our first interview of 2022!
When did you start making NFTs and what drew you to the space?
I started around January into February after I saw a friend doing very well in the space, being Lethabo Huma, and the FOMO made me dig in and look up.
You’ve said that you have gone ten years without selling work and that this is the first time that you’re selling work. What is that like? How did that prepare you for this moment?
I always say I don’t believe in the linear concept of time, so I would say “nice to meet you” to the future version of myself, but I don’t believe in time as a concept, so I’ll just say we always met. The moment took ten human years to come into fruition but destiny met up with it.
You describe yourself as an artist who makes NFTs not an NFT artist, why is that?
I will always make art forever regardless of my job title, I don’t make it for any reason in particular other than expression of my artform. Mental health problems are created when we have boundaries to keep, I wont keep myself chained to one type of release.
You’ve got some very specific ideas about pricing strategies for NFT artists. Can you share?
I would always say be flexible, perception and value of your work are two different conversations. One of them is how you see your efforts and the other is how others value the consistency.
I tweeted this a while ago and it seemed to resonate with a lot of folks. What is your take on the statement: “Are we creating cliques or are we creating communities?”
Cliquey communities is the way I would like to see it… It’s human nature to gravitate to people you feel comfortable with. J Cole said it ‘Today I know that we are the same, Are the same, you and I Different kind of skin, different set of eyes, Two different minds, but only one God’

You manage the AfricanNFT art club. What led you to do that?
Manage is a big word, I would like to say I’m a facilitator that activated an idea, we felt unheard, I felt lonely and needed to find people that were going through the same hurdles as me. The black diaspora community has more social problems but the continent has so many economic, social and political hurdles… I wanted to find a way to assist us all.
Why is it necessary to have an AfricanNFT club?
Necessary for confidence, the accents are familiar, the slang is familiar and most importantly the opportunity to get on stage and have the moment. We are now bigger than clubhouse but at that moment it was very important.